
Camera Guided Systems for Cultivators & weeders

A cultivator camera guidance system is one of the best investments into overall efficiency a farmer can make. 

Aside from a dramatic increase in your precision weed control, this system maxes out your efficiency when cultivating.

Additionally, the Camera Hitch we sell allows you to use this on just about any type of cultivator. Meaning, you do not need to buy specifically Hatzenbichler. This gives you maximum versatility, allowing you to run the camera hitch on many cultivators, or even tine weeders. 

How Cultivator Steering Camera Changes Your operation

  • Get significantly tighter, cleaner rows (vs. hand-driven or wand systems)
  • Saves mental fatigue of “looking back” – camera does the work of finding the row
  • Use with your current cultivator – Hitch attaches to most 3 point “American Style” cultivators.
  • The sturdier frame (compared to Einbock) can handle your heavy cultivator weight with ease (Kinze, Buffalo, Hiniker, International, John Deere, etc.) 
  • Solves problem of left/right sway on sides of hills 
  • Customizable to row width, crop type, crop color, etc. 

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Get The Most Out Of Your Cultivator Steering Camera

Camera guidance systems for cultivators are not new. The Hatzenbichler Side Shift Hitch (Called the XL Camera Guidance Hitch) that CFS carries comes ready to attach to 3 point cultivators and works with nearly every cultivator (we’ve ran the XL Camera Hitch on 24 row 30″ cultivators). It does pair especially well with the row crop cultivators made by Hatzenbichler.

Using the XL Camera Guidance Hitch with finger weeders behind the cultivator maximizes soil distribution into the crop row and is the most efficient way to cultivator for organic weed control.

Pairing the Camera Guidance System, Hatzenbichler Cultivator, and Finger Weeders is the best system for cultivation efficiency in organic farming.

Automatic Steering System for Cultivator

The camera system for cultivator reads for a high concentration of green pixels in multiple rows.  Based on row configuration you enter (# of rows, row width, color of crop, height of camera), the software runs its program and fairly easily can distinguish a weed from the crop row. The hydraulic side shift hitch does the hard work of keeping the cultivator on the row.

The camera guidance is typically within 1 cm of the crop at speeds up to 6-7 mph.

The Three Biggest Benefits of Camera Guidance Systems for Cultivators:

  • Quality of cultivation is improved due to increased focus on the individual crop row allowing for precision like accuracy
  • Increased speed of cultivation allows for more efficient, more accurate passes with capability to cover more ground
  • As a result of increased cultivation speed, more dirt is thrown into the crop row itself, killing weeds that would’ve otherwise thrived in your plant row

Cultivator Camera Guidance System Pricing

Without question of the best investments you can make on your farm is the investment in a camera guidance system for your cultivator. 

We’ve experienced excellent results with the Hatzenbichler Camera Guidance system on our own farms, and we’re thrilled about the possibility of helping you on yours. 

Pricing on the Hatzenbichler Camera Guidance system varies, as there are three models and the Hatzenbichler company is making yearly updates to the product. For an up to date quote, please contact Ron Fleming at Crop Fertility Services via the form below, or by calling (320) 286-2470.

After several years of use on our own organic ground, we have the utmost confidence that you will love this system. We’ve received dividends in the form of increased yield from highly reduced weed pressure, as well as better overall cultivation for less time spent in field allowing us to cover more ground. 

Demonstrating Camera Guidance System for Cultivators

Camera Steering Hitch FAQs

Can I Mount The Camera Hitch On Another Cultivator?

The Hatzenbichler camera guidance system is highly versatile and it can be attached to just about any implement on the farm. We have swapped this hitch between multiple different cultivator brands with no issues. The video here shows one modification that needs to be made, which is necessary to attach the cameras to the toolbar. 

Does It Work Well On Hills? 

The camera hitch is one of the largest on the market and it does an excellent job moving the cultivator on fields with hills. The hitch uses wheels to provide additional support for the cultivator and tractor, keeping the back end from slipping.

How Much Does The Camera Hitch Weigh?

The Hatzenbichler camera guidance hitch weighs roughly 3,000 pounds. It’s a heavy piece of equipment designed to move large, heavy cultivators. This gives it exceptional versatility on the farm, as you do not have to buy the actual Hatzenbichler cultivator to use this camera hitch. 

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