
Black Earth Activ24

Active24 is an extracted humic acid, comes ready to use in liquid form. 

It is very versatile with 24 % humic acids. Can improve root systems, build up biomass, increase nutrient uptake and availability; ultimately producing higher yields and improved crop quality.

Typically applied as; top dressing, injection through irrigation, starter fertilizer and foliar applications. 

Available In : 5 gal & 265 gal

OMRI Listed : YES

Yes, Activ24 is OMRI Listed


Humic Acids | 93%

Inert Ingredients | 7%

pH | 9.5

Bulk Density | 865 kg/m^3 (54 lbs/ft^3)

Agricultural – It is recommended that Activ24 is diluted at 1:1 ratio with water to make a 12% solution. Can be administered as straight product or mixed w/fertilizers. Options of distribution onto crops include; a band application, added in irrigation water, in the seed row, or a foliar spray. For impregnation of dry fertilizer blends; use 1/2 gal/acre undiluted, max of 7 gal/ton of dry fertilizer.

Concentrated – Activ24 is highly concentrated and can easily be diluted to desired ratios.

Control of When & Where – Can apply the humic acid to the crops when and where it is needed. 

Canadian Source – The source of Black Earth Humic Acid is of the highest quality and consistency. Alberta, Canada is the source of Activ24, providing high humic acid, but low ash and heavy metals content. 

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The Minimum Pellet order is 25 Tons (one semi-load) – Fill this out, we’ll be in touch! 

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