Which fertilizer is the best for organic wheat farming?
Organic farming has been slowly gaining traction across the country over the past number of years. Now, it’s even more popular, as more and more people start to take a closer look at what exactly is going into their food. One of the most popular organic crops to grow is wheat. This sturdy plant is ideal for organic farming and with high quality organic fertilizer now available at your fingertips, there’s no need for any chemicals to get this seed to grow. In broad terms, the two main types of wheat can be categorized by season. Spring, and winter wheat
Spring Wheat
Spring wheat is planted as soon as possible in the spring and harvested in late summer. Some farmers even choose to plant it in November, as it will stay dormant until the ground starts to heat up. It is a wonderfully hardy plant, able to survive those later spring frosts that can suddenly occur.

While wheat can survive in dry conditions, it does need to have some rain in the early stages of growth. Spring wheat has a lower protein content than winter wheat, which is why it’s used for making some of our favorite sweet treats like cakes and pastries.
Winter Wheat
Winter wheat is sown in the fall and is then harvested in the summer. After starting their growth, the shoots generally go into dormancy in the cold winter months, before rapidly growing come springtime for that summer harvest. Winter wheat accounts for anywhere between 70-80% of total production in the US, with plantings up an estimated 5% from 2020. Hard winter wheat has a high protein content and so makes the perfect flour for crusty bread and pasta
When it comes to fertilizer for organic wheat, chicken manure has been proven to be one of the best for row crops. Wheat needs a higher phosphorous content in the soil than some other crops, which is exactly what Crop Fertility Services Chicken Manure Pellets can provide. By using chicken manure as your organic wheat fertilizer, you will be maintaining the phosphorous in the soil at the level your wheat needs. At the same time, you’ll be minimizing the excess phosphorus in your soil. It’s a win-win!
At CFS, we’re always happy to chat. If you want to discover what organic wheat fertilizer is right for you, or you want to talk more about our Chicken Manure Pellets, then we want to help. Call 612-309-7522 today or fill out our quick contact form to learn more.