
Organic Agronomy Consulting

Should you use an agronomist for organic farming?

Organic farmers ourselves, we’ve worked with an organic agronomist for quite some time. 

Work one-on-one with our in-house Professional Agronomist. We take an in-depth look at your unique situation and provide practical solutions you can take to the field. 

We don’t just want to do this once, we want to work with you for life. We truly care about empowering you as an organic farmer, whether that is now or in the near future. 

Agronomy Services

Working with an Organic Agronomist gives you 1:1 access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. Services provided with our Organic Agronomist Consulting include:

  • Soil Sampling and Analysis
  • Tissue Testing & Analysis
  • Yield Analysis, with long term profit in mind. 
  • Consulting on Micro-Nutrient Applications (efficient rate application) 
  • Fertilizer Application and Rate
  • Weed Control Advice
  • Field and Crop Rotation Planning (Long Term Plan)  

Conventional & thinking about transitioning?

We help explain the organic transition process and what you can expect, both financially and in your fields. Of course, there is a learning curve to organic farming (or everybody would be doing it!), but working with an experienced team that cares makes all the difference. 

Currently in Transition?

As you’re probably aware, there is no cookie cutter approach when it comes to transitioning to organic. 

Setting yourself up for success when you’ve completed the transition process is a big priority and working with an Agronomist can help you hit your goals.

CUrrently Organic?

Finished with your transition? Let’s talk about value we can add to your system, or uncover areas for growth  on your organic farm. 

When it comes to Agronomy, like everything else we do – it’s tailored to your farm and your farm only. 

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The Minimum Pellet order is 25 Tons (one semi-load) – Fill this out, we’ll be in touch!